305 mm (12 in), Pin On

305 mm (12 in), Pin On

Cat® Heavy Duty Rock Buckets for Backhoe Loaders are specifically designed to work in the harsh rocky conditions found in various regions of the world.

Width 305 mm
Capacity 71 l
Weight 113 kg

Технические характеристики

Width 305 mm
Capacity 71 l
Weight 113 kg
Base Edge Thickness 25 mm
Tip Radius 988 mm
Interface Type Pin On

Преимущества и особенности


Specifically designed to work in the harsh rocky conditions found in various regions of the world.

Bucket Shape

Enhanced bucket shape allows material to flow more easily. Tapered bucket sidewalls allow for easy dumping of sticky material.

Rugged Design

Cat® Buckets are designed for superior productivity, reliability and long life.